UI-UX & Graphic Designer, Front-end Web Dev, Photographer, Texture Artist.
Creating Pieces That Nobody Cares.
Let me show you...
Hello, Nobberu here and let me take a brief introduction. I'm a freelancer. Mainly as a Designer but I also do some Programming, Photography, and Texture Making too. I'm still a high schooler at the time, so I don't have that many experiences just yet.


I design some stuffs. Like UI/UX, Posters, Clothing, and Logos. Designing is one of my hobbies that can finally make some income for me. And of course I don't want to dissapoint my clients. You can click the button below to see my design works or interested to start ordering your design.


I also took some photos out there when I'm bored. Photography has been my hobby since I was on junior high school. I took street photography genre thinking it suits my style pretty well. Click the button below if you want to see my photo results.

Texture Material

Other than those two, I also do some texture making. My textures are PBR Materials supported, so it comes with normal maps, and specular/roughness maps. I currently developing my PBR Textures for Minecraft. Click the button below if you're interested and playing Minecraft too.